Patent Attorney
Qualified for representation in infringement lawsuits
Department: Trademark
Keio University, Bachelor of Law
Practices / Specialties
Filling and prosecuting trademark applications, trademark search, post-grant opposition, appeals/trials, litigations against appeal/trial decisions, infringement litigations, opinions, border control at customs in Japan and abroad, licensing in Japan and abroad, contract negotiation such as transfer of trademark rights, drafting contracts, measures against counterfeit products, measures against counterfeit on the Internet, planning strategies about trademark prosecution and enforcement, registration of domain name, adjudication, unfair competition law, registration of geographical indication (GI)
APAA (Anti-Counterfeiting Committee in 2011-present)
AIPPI (Geographical Indication (GI) registration Permanent Committee in 2015-present)
JPAA (Trade Facilitation Committee Chairman in 2011)
JP Customs (IP Right Expert Advisor in 2019-present)
JPO (Intellectual Property Committee Examination Board member in 2009-2010)